Sunday, September 12, 2010


Okay, it's been quite some time since I last posted a blog, and a really short one too. Just managed to squeeze some of my time to update my latest status of what I am going through right now.
SEP, known as the Student Exchange Program, the one program that practically makes any student to dream high with excitement, the kind of joyous feeling we have when we know or feel that the opportunity to study abroad (and a farther one) is within our grasp. That includes me either. I had heard comments from seniors that doing SEP really earn them a one-of -a kind experience that they can never get just by studying in Singapore. Some even call it life-changing. Previously, I did think of going for SEP but due to certain limitations and the not-so-cheap living expenses for living in foreign land, I eventually stop considering any further, until two days ago. I attended a SEP briefing and consultation, and that's when my interest for SEP was revitalized. I left a short message for my parents on the very same night, stating that I wish to do SEP but of course, I did not put high hopes for it as I was expecting a "No" since its really costly to fund for SEP expenditure. ^^ However, it turned out the way I least expected. When I first received consent from my parents to apply for SEP, I couldn't help but to grin from ear to ear. My fingers automatically reached for my lappy, placed at the keyboard, typing and clicking from one webpage to another for hours in order to find a good, matching uni. It's not easy work. In fact, it is really tedious. Modules mapping, cost estimating, filling in forms, consulting the deans and lastly, interviews. I almost wanted to give up as the deadline for the submission is soon, and I meant, REAL soon. It's this Fri. That's when I know there's actually another round of application in early January next year for the 3rd year sem 2 exchange. So, I decided to apply during that time as I will have more time to discuss with my parents in detail, more time for mapping modules and more time to THINK. haha. yup..just sum it up. Anyway, I just want to emphasize how happy I actually am feeling right now, and also really thankful to my family for giving me their support for my decision. I just hope that I will be able to have enough preparation by the time the 2nd round of application opens. Seems that the chances of getting SEP is lower compared to applying now. But what matters most is a resolute aim of getting into a particular uni, the uni which I WANT and CAN afford to go without any regret and doubt. That is why, time is what I need, sufficiently long enough to make my decisions without haste. Pray that everything goes smoothly without unnecessary interference which may disrupt my plans and may I be granted the opportunity to embark yet another new, exciting journey in other top, established universities. =)

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